CHSS Newsletter Autumn/Winter 2019

The new CHSS newsletter is now available to read or download on our website.

We hope you will enjoy reading about the latest CHSS news and events, including this year’s Annual Lecture given by Professor Chris Whitty, and our ‘thank you’ tea for the CHSS’ public Opening Doors to Research group. The CHSS/Kent Business School MSc in Healthcare Management is  enrolling for September 2020 and we welcomed a third cohort of students to the NIHR/HEKSS Integrated Clinical Academic Programme (ICAP).

Professor Sally Kendall’s feature on her work with the Murdock University, Western Australia within the Aboriginal community is a fascinating and moving insight into aspects of conducting research as a cultural outsider.

‘CHSS People’ features Professor of Primary Care Tricia Wilson who reflects on highlights of her career. Our featured publication on page 7 is a study exploring stroke survivors’ needs and whether they are being met.

You can subscribe to future issues by email. Our online archive is also available.

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