Darzi project film launched to promote breastfeeding

A film to promote breastfeeding among Kent’s Slovakian Roma community was formally launched on Thursday 25th April at the Turner Contemporary Gallery, Margate.

CHSS Visiting Darzi Fellow Philippa Burden co-produced the video which documents women’s own views and experiences. The event attracted over 70 people who participated in a workshop about next steps supporting breastfeeding with the Roma community. The celebratory launch – red carpet and all – was followed by a traditional Slovakian lunch.

Philippa said “CHSS has been a welcoming, supportive place to be a Darzi Fellow – thank you all – and I’m ending my Darzi year on a very positive note.  Do watch our film!”

For more details of the event and the film, view recent local press coverage:

Isle of Thanet News

Hawkinge Gazette:



You can view the film along with other CHSS videos here.