CHSS Newsletter Winter 2018/19

Our latest CHSS Newsletter is now available to read or download.

We are working on some new and exciting research including our cover story around improving migrant health and an NIHR project to find the optimum team climate for General Practice.

Events news includes a recent World Cafe Dementia event, ‘Tea, Technology and Me’ and a FREE half-day information event around NIHR funding. This will be hosted by the Research Design Service South East in London on 8 May.

Health Psychologist and Research Fellow Dr Sarah Hotham features in our regular ‘CHSS People’ slot.  We also report on Sarah’s work on social prescribing to help patients with social problems and its potential to reduce the burden on health and social care services.

You can subscribe to future issues by email. Our online archive is also available.

We always welcome feedback, suggestions or comments. Contact