Parliamentary event to present EXCEPT project findings 25/4/18

2pm, Wednesday 25 April, 2017
Portcullis House, House of Commons, Westminster, London

This Parliamentary reception at Portcullis House will share the findings from the EU-funded EXCEPT project.

Social Exclusion of Youth In Europe: Cumulative Disadvantage, Coping Strategies, Effective Policies and Transfer” (EXCEPT)  is an innovative EU-funded research project which aims to develop effective policy initiatives to help young people in Europe overcome labour market insecurities and related risks. Our findings highlight the policies and strategies that do make a difference.

The event aims to advance the dialogue between policy makers, civil society and researchers to discuss new interventions for reducing exclusion in Europe. It will be hosted by Rosie Duffield MP. Speakers include Professor Peter Taylor-Gooby from the University of Kent.

To attend, please RSVP by Wednesday 4th April to Helen  Wooldridge:

More information about this and other upcoming events on our CHSS events page >