Book your career advice session now

Dear BSISers, key2advance now has 4 experts in their field offering BSIS students more focused career advice. They are all knowledgeable, helpful, experienced and excited … Read more


Dear BSISers!!! After the closing of the nominations period, now it is time to VOTE!!! The positions of Vice-President, Secretary and Vice-Treasurer are waiting for … Read more

Military Strategy

Those on the MA in ICS may be interested to hear that I will give a talk on Military Strategy, as part of the module … Read more


Hey Guys! NOMINATION PERIOD!!!!!! I am reminding you all guys that the Nominations Period for the upcoming elections is on its way with only two … Read more

Opportunity to get involved

Hi All, I am very excited to announce that the Brussels Graduate Student Union has created a new volunteer position for those wishing to participate. … Read more

Jean Monnet Lectures, Spring 2014

Brussels School of International Studies & Global Europe Centre. University of Kent With the Support of the LLP Programme of the European Union Wednesday 5 … Read more

reminder: new module IR in the Asia-Pacific

Dear all, This is to remind you that a new module is being offered this term: ‘International Relations in the Asia-Pacific’: The lecturer is … Read more

FDR Seminar Enrollment

This message is intended ONLY for those students who began their studies in September 2013, or part-time students who began their last term this week. … Read more