12.00 Registration (welcome desk, entrance to Darwin Conference Suite) and Buffet Lunch (Darwin Suite 1)
13.00 Welcome: Main Room (Darwin Suite 2/3)
13.30-15.00 Panel Sessions 1:4 Parallel Rooms
PANEL SESSION 1: 13.30-15.00 (Select from 4 sessions)
1.A. Religion, Globalization and Theory. Chair: Jeremy Carrette
(Darwin Suite 2: Main Room)
- Eileen Barker (London School of Economics / INFORM) “Here, There and/or Anywhere? Minority Religions and their Migration In and Out of Britain”
- Jessica Frazier (University of Kent) “Gadamer, Religion and Globalism”
- Richard Roberts (University of Stirling) “Is grand theory possible? Globalisation and the shamano-ritual complex”
1.B. Evangelicals & Global Christianities. Chair: Anna Strhan
(Darwin Suite 3)
- Kit Kirkland (University of St. Andrews) “Detached as Never Before: The Autonomy of American Millennial Christians and the Politics of Generational Succession”
- Alan Le Grys (University of Kent) “The Alpha God: The Impact of Old Testament Models of God on Continuing Christian ethics”
- S. Jonathon O’Donnell (SOAS, University of London) “Sacred Selves, Satanic Societies: Clashing Agencies in American Evangelical Conspiracism”
- Meadhbh McIvor (London School of Economics) “‘Pressing Beyond the Fringe’: Conservative Evangelical Reflections on Publicity, Preaching, and British Reserve”
1.C. Religion, Ethics and Policy. Chair: Bettina Schmidt
(Darwin Lecture Theatre 1)
- David Dark (Belmont University) “Policy Is Liturgy Write Large: The Ploughshares Movement & Other Raids on the Sacrosanct”
- Gordon Lynch (University of Kent) “The Uses of Ethics: The Role of Humanitarian Sentiment in the Suffering of British Child Migrants”
- Donovan Schaefer (University of Oxford) “Only Better Beasts: Globalisation, Affect, and the American Controversies over Darwinism”
1.D. Religion in Time, Space and Place. Chair: Chris Deacy
(Darwin Lecture Theatre 2)
- Feyza Sacmali (Marmara University, Turkey) “Myth or reality: Is there a connection between Anatolian Alawites and Medieval European Heresy?”
- Krittika Bhattacharjee (Edinburgh University) “Everyday places deemed special: ‘fresh impressions from the field on visitorship on Iona’
- Abdul-Azim Ahmed (Cardiff University) “God’s House – space sensitive ethnography”
- Sandra Maurer (University of Kent) “Negotiating the Qur’an: Practising Islam in a secular environment – a female students’ perspective”
15.00-15.30 Tea Break (Darwin Suite 1)
15.30-17.00 Panel Sessions 2: 4 Parallel Rooms
PANEL SESSION 2: 15.30-17.00 (Select from 4 sessions)
2.A. Asia, Religion and Global Issues. Chair: Jessica Frazier
(Darwin Suite 2: Main Room)
- Richard King (University of Kent) “From “Mystic East” to “Eastern Spirituality”: Colonial Legacies in an Age of Corporate Globalization”
- Stephen Jacobs (University of Wolverhampton) “Hanging Out with the Guru: The Role of Digital Communications in the Art of Living Foundation”
- Ting Guo (University of Oxford) “Cosmopolitan Spirit, National Identity, and Liberal Theology: An Episcopalian “House Church” in Shanghai”
2.B. Religion in the Public Square. Chair: Jeremy Carrette
(Darwin Suite 3)
- Julia Berger (University of Kent/Bahai International Community, UN)“A New Politics of Engagement: The Baha’i International Community and the United Nations”
- Christopher Cotter (University of Lancaster) “(Non)religion and the Public Square: Discourse, Indifference and Hegemony”
- Liam Sutherland (University of Edinburgh) “Religion and National Identity in the 21st Century Scottish Public Eye: Representation, Heritage, Diversity and the National Norm”
2.C. Religion, Ethics, and Economic Life
Conveners: Anna Strhan and David Henig, University of Kent).
Session 1 Chair: David Henig
(Darwin Lecture Theatre 1)
- Laurie Denyer Willis (McGill University) “’Economic Evangelism’: Women’s Small Business in Rio de Janeiro’s ‘informal peripheries”
- Mark Read (University of Birmingham) ‘There’s nothing in my job that stops me being a Quaker.’ Quaker work-life responses to the ‘austerity’ of the Coalition government
- Fran Handrick (University of Birmingham) “The Curious Case of Amish Women in Multi-Level Marketing Businesses”
- Anna Strhan (University of Kent) “‘God is not a communist’: Conservative Evangelicals and the ‘love of money’ in London”
2.D. Defining Religion: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Chair: David Wilson(Darwin Lecture Theatre 2)
- Suzanne Owen (University of Chester/Leeds Trinity) “Defining Religion through Charity Law”
- Richard Saville-Smith (University of Edinburgh) “Introducing a Model of ‘Disruption’ to the interdisciplinary debate between the Study of Religion/s and Psychiatry”
- Chris Deacy (University of Kent) “Why Category of Religion Debates Matter: A Case Study of Christmas as a ‘Secular’ Religion”
- Claire Wanless (Open University) “Embeddedness in Postmodern Religion”
18.00-19.00 Dinner in Rutherford Hall
19.30 Social Time & Drinks (Origins Bar, Darwin College), including 50 Years of the Study of Religion Quiz with Chris Deacy