Dr Oliver Double, Reader in Drama, along with two graduates from the School of Arts, will be launching a new regular comedy night, Funny Rabbit, at The Gulbenkian this month, with the first show on Friday 8 February 2019.
Funny Rabbit is a new kind of comedy club – radical and exciting, but also warm and snuggly as a bunny rabbit. The format of the show will be a line-up of two professional comedians, with two students from the School of Arts, compered by Olly. Whether you’ve never seen live comedy before or you’ve been watching it for decades, Funny Rabbit is for you.
The opening night will feature Bobby Mair and Drama alumnus Tiernan Douieb. Bobby Mair is a regular face from TV featuring in such shows as Comedy Central, 8 out of 10 Cats (C4), Never Mind the Buzzcocks (BBC2), Virtually Famous (E4), Sweat the Small Stuff (BBC3), World of Weird (C4) and Safe Word (ITV). Tiernan Douieb is the writer and star of hit podcast Partly Political Broadcast, the man behind Comedy Club 4 Kids, and has appeared in Channel 4’s Fresh Meat. He completed a BA (Hon) in Drama at Kent in 2003.
Also performing will be Alf White and Lauren Carroll, both on the BA (Hons) in Drama and Theatre.
The show is co-organised by Thomas Blake who completed a BA (Hons) in Drama and Theatre and an MA in Creative Producing, and Matt Hoss, who completed a BA (Hons) degree in Classical & Archaeological Studies and Drama and an MA in Stand-Up Comedy.
The show starts at 7.30pm and tickets cost £5/£8. For more information, please see the page here: