I continue to teach drama to children whilst working on personal projects such as finalising my first children’s book and looking for funding for my debut short film.
What made you choose your course, and Kent?
I decided I wanted to study in England quite late. The Drama course at Kent was high in the rankings and I had an acquaintance that used to study there, who totally sold the place to me and from there everything fell into place. I did both my undergraduate and postgraduate degrees at Kent and met amazing people along the way.
Which aspects of your degree did you enjoy the most, and why?
My Master’s in Physical Acting was the best experience. I keep saying that I wish I could do postgraduate studies only. Every aspect from communication with tutors, independence of studies to the determination and dedication of my fellow students was something that made it better.
How has your time at Kent helped you in your career so far?
The structure of the programme and the fact that we covered every aspect of theatre-making, not just performing, helps me every day in my solo career as a theatre-maker. Kent gave me GOLKK Theatre, a physical theatre company that I co-founded with fellow students, through the School of Arts Graduate Theatre Company Scheme, and with whom we had great success and allowed us to greatly expand our knowledge and deepen our expertise.
Were you actively involved in any research centres or projects?
As an artist I love collaborating and fusing different art forms and this showed in all the projects I got involved with during my studies. I was part of a great theatre project – Playing Identities and Performing Heritage – for two years and I collaborated with the architecture students, curation students and with live artists.
What impressed you most about our academic staff?
Their broad expertise, empathy and friendly approach.
Are you still in touch with any of your friends from University?
Absolutely, I made long lasting relationships and I even work with some of my Kent friends.
Did you undertake any work experience whilst at Kent? What did you do?
I was a Student Ambassador, and was part of GOLKK theatre company as an artist in residence.
Did you find it was helpful in your studies and has it benefited your career to date?
Being a student ambassador was the building block of my teaching experience and it helped me develop my practice and tools and gave me confidence to pursue it further.
Could you describe a typical day in your current role?
I am a freelancer, and the most typical trait about my days is that I start them with coffee! They are all different but it takes hard work, persistence and discipline to keep the ball rolling on your own, especially nowadays in post-pandemic life.
What are your future plans/aspirations?
My short term plans involve the publication of my children’s book plus my second book of poems, realising my short film and someday opening my own theatre laboratory in my home country of Bulgaria.
Are you currently working, or have you recently worked on any interesting projects that you would like to tell us a bit more about? For example, book publication, podcast, exhibitions, events, research projects etc.
A project that I haven’t mentioned so far is a physical theatre film with one of my Kent friends, Katherine Bristow, which is in its early days of development.
What is your favourite memory of Kent?
My first performance with GOLKK “Samaweo Sikko” which was a site-sympathetic piece in the woods outside the School of Arts on the Canterbury campus and the first that my whole family attended.
What advice would you give to somebody thinking of coming to Kent?
Make the most of it: read all you can read from the library, make use of all the societies, enjoy the view from Tyler Hill and go for walks in the woods, especially when the bluebells come out!
How would you describe your time at Kent in three words?
Enriching, memorable and elevating