Kent Drama graduate, Ben Haigh, is the latest guest on Dr Olly Double’s Proper Job Gradcast podcast. In each episode, Olly Double interviews a Kent drama graduate working in the arts about their careers and how they established themselves within the sector; from graduation up to the present day, Olly discusses how their degree helped prepare them for their creative careers.
In this episode, Ben Haigh shares his experience of being Head of Client Services for SINE digital, where he markets big theatre shows using the magic of the internet. As well as talking about how he got from graduating to a great job in the creative industries, there’s some discussion about creating the right visual image to sell a show, or as Ben puts it, ‘Making that world before you even get into the theatre.’ He also talks about how to harness Facebook and Instagram to attract the target audience, and there’s some interesting nerdy chat about the immersive theatre show Doctor Who: Time Fracture.
Listen to the latest episode now via iTunes.