Meet Drama and Theatre student: Alexandra Scott

We caught up with BA (Hons) Drama and Theatre student, Alexandra, to find out more about her experience and time at Kent.

What has been your favourite module so far, and why?

Acting. I loved learning about the different skills and techniques it takes to build a character.

What made you decide to study your course at University of Kent?

The city of Canterbury is absolutely beautiful and all the teachers I met were so friendly and welcoming.

During the lockdown, how have you found studying your course?

The modules have been adapted really well for zoom and as students we have learnt to become more adaptable and creative when devising work in a digital format.

When on campus, where did/do you spend most of your time?

I spent most of my time in Elliot Hall. It is a beautiful big space that is almost always free to use for rehearsals and completing group work. It is also really close to Jarman, the School of Arts building, which makes it a great place to use.

Are you a part of any sports or societies? And if so, what’s been your experience? Would you recommend them to fellow/new students and why?

I am a part of the MTS (Musical Theatre) and T24 (Drama) society. I have had an amazing experience being a part of these societies, when joining them it felt like being welcomed in to a crazy new family. The societies have given me the opportunity to perform in professional venues and learn new skills. I would absolutely recommend joining any societies to students, as you can meet people with similar interests to yourself and make amazing friends.

During the lockdown, how have you been keeping social and catching up with friends?

As the social secretary for the Musical Theatre Society, I have been hosting socials once a fortnight. They have been a great way to catch up with friends.

During lockdown, have societies been hosting any socials you have loved? Have you discovered any online events worth sharing?

The musical theatre and drama societies have been alternately hosting socials once a week, including open mic nights and bingo! I have also been making use of our free membership to digital theatre plus (via our university login) which has so many amazing shows available to watch.

What’s your favourite thing about the campus?

The Gulbenkian! It’s amazing that we have a professional theatre venue on campus and as students we get the opportunity to perform on it and manage production (lighting, sound, set) through different societies and opportunities.

What’s your favourite thing about living in Canterbury?

The city is beautiful and feels really safe. I love how close it is to the sea and whilst we get the benefits of being in a city with lots of facilities, the gardens by the city walls allow us to feel closer to nature on walks.

What’s your favourite bar/café/restaurant in town or on campus?

Olive Grove, has amazing Italian and Mediterranean food, so you can have halloumi for starter and then pizza for mains!!

What would you recommend to a new first year student studying your course that would really help them?

Enjoy every moment because it goes so fast! Don’t be afraid to ask questions, there is no wrong question and no wrong answer! Be yourself and allow your personality to be reflected in your work.

What would you recommend a first year student moving to Kent try out?

Make sure you visit the beaches! They are so easy to get to via bus or train and make a really lovely day out!

Are there any books / podcasts / film / online magazines that would be helpful for a new student, or fellow students, studying your course?

The National Theatre have started a Hub membership that is £2 a month, which gives you access to workshops and talks from professionals in the theatre and arts industry!