Congratulations to Dr Virginia Pitts (Film), Dr Oliver Double (Drama) and Dr Sophie Quirk (Drama) who have all been awarded teaching prizes for 2014. The Panel which considered the applications comprised Dr Michael Hughes (Acting Faculty DoLT, Fran Beaton (UELT) and Jack Lay (Student Faculty Rep). Comments were also received from Dr Simon Kirchin (Dean of Humanities).
Dr Virginia Pitts for her work in Film Practice – a prize of £1,000
This application shows how two disciplines (Film and Drama) can be drawn together to achieve something which may well be unique and marries dramatic improvisation with contemporary film making and also links research to teaching and practice. This approach is permeating through aspects of the Film Programme and is opening up new perspectives for students from both subject areas. Feedback is excellent and comments from students and colleagues confirm its impact.
Dr Oliver Double and Dr Sophie Quirk for their work on Stand-Up Comedy – a prize of £4,000
This specialism within the MDrama Programme has been running for 13 years and has not only contributed to the development of the individual participants but also to the life and culture of the Campus through ‘Monkeyshine’ a weekly comedy club which takes place in Eliot College. However, the visible impact of the modules goes far beyond the Campus: into the local and wider community and reported in local and national media. Some of the participants have gone on to be stand-up performers. This is in no small measure due to the way the modules foster personal development and independence.
Praise for the modules through feedback has been very high and qualitative comments attest to the sustained and outstanding work which has been achieved over many years.