Drill Hall Library Collections

The Drill Hall Library based on our Medway campus is a fantastic resource for Music and Audio Technology students, containing many relevant physical collections, including books and journals.

The following book classmarks are relevant for Music and Audio Technology. Every book has a classmark (a code on the book spine) which tells you exactly where the book is in the library. Use the catalogue LibrarySearch to find books on a topic or if you have a reference for a book title, then note the classmark and availability of the book to find it on the shelves, see this video Finding Books at the Drill Hall Library for more information. The classmark also describes the subject so have a look at the shelves close to the book to find other relevant titles.

Book collections at Drill Hall Library:

Subject Classmark
Acoustics 534
Digital audio systems 621.3893
General music 780-789
Composition (music) 781.3
Music techniques 781.4
Opera 782.1
Popular music 782.66
Chamber music 785
Computer graphics 006.6
General art 700-779
History of art 709
Sculpture 730
Drawing 741
Painting 750-759
Photography 770-779
The arts 700
Galleries and Museums 708
Music 780
Recreational and performing arts 790
Public performances 791
Stage presentations 792
Indoor games and amusements 793


Many of the books on the library shelves may also be available as e-books. To find these, you can filter to e-books in LibrarySearch after running your search to see what is available in e-book format.

Journal titles available online and at Drill Hall Library:

We hold many journal titles relevant for Music and Audio Technology in digital format – you can browse to see what you have access to online through Browzine or search for a specific journal title here. The Drill Hall Library also contains the following physical journals which you can access on the shelves:

  • BBC Music Magazine
  • Computer Music Journal
  • Ethnomusicology
  • Journal of the Audio Engineering Society (AES)
  • Music Perception
  • Perspectives of New Music

Students based at Medway can also request resources from the Templeman Library and pick them up from the Drill Hall Library using the reservations button in the LibrarySearch item record.