
The library has lots of e-books for Drama, Film, Media Studies, History of Art and Music and Audio Technology, which you can access on your PC, laptop or mobile. This is the easiest way to access your book resources this year. This section helps you understand how to find and access e-books on your topic.

Finding e-books

The best place to find individual e-books is LibrarySearch. This shows you the Library’s digital resources, which include most of our e-books.

You can also search our e-book collections which you may find easier for browsing subject areas and searching at chapter level. Here are some useful e-book collections for the Arts:

Manchester Gothic

An unrivalled collection of gothic literature including fifty-three books and the Gothic Studies (1999-2018) journal, written by leading names in the field and covering literature, film, television, theatre, and visual arts, dating from the eighteenth century to the present.

Manchester Film

A collection of 163 books written by leading names in the field as well as one journal: Film Studies. It covers all aspects of film studies from volumes on a wide range of British, French, Spanish and Latin American filmmakers to debates and issues that are informing current practice in film and screen studies.

Cambridge Core

Cambridge University Press e-book service that includes access to titles in Art, Film, Media, Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies and Music.

Cambridge Histories Online

Over 300 cross-searchable authoritative volumes on a wide range of historical subject areas, including Theatre Studies and the Performing Arts.