- Alexandridis, A. K. and Zapranis, A. (2014). Wavelet Neural Networks: With Applications in Financial Engineering, Chaos, and Classification. New Jersey, USA: John Wiley & Sons.
- Alexandridis, A. K. and Zapranis, A. (2013). Weather Derivatives: Modeling and Pricing Weather-Related Risk. New York, USA: Springer.
Book Chapters
- Zapranis, A. and Alexandridis, A. K. (2009). Model Identification in Wavelet Neural Networks Framework. in: Iliadis, L. S. et al. eds. Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations. New York, USA: Springer, pp. 267-277.
- Alexandridis, A. K. and Hasan, M. (2019). Global financial crisis and multiscale systematic risk: Evidence from selected European stock markets. International Journal of Finance and Economics. (accepted, forthcoming)
- Messis, P., Alexandridis, A.K. and Zapranis, A. (2019). Testing and comparing conditional risk-return relationship with a new approach in the cross-sectional framework. International Journal of Finance and Economics. (accepted, forthcoming)
- Sultan, J., Alexandridis, A.K. , Hasan, M. and Guo, X. (2019). Hedging Performance of Multiscale Hedge Ratios. Journal of Futures Markets. 39, 1613–1632.DOI:
- Cramer, S., Kampouridis, M., Freitas, A., Alexandridis, A. K. (2017). “An extensive evaluation of seven machine learning methods for rainfall prediction in weather derivatives.” Expert Systems with Applications. 85, 169-181.
- Alexandridis, A. K., Kampouridis, M., Cramer, S. (2017). “A Comparison between Wavelet Networks and Genetic Programming in the Context of Temperature Derivatives.” International Journal of Forecasting. 33 (1):21-47
- Androvitsaneas, V. P., Alexandridis, A. K., Gonos, I. F., Dounias, G. D., and Stathopulos, I. A. (2016). “Wavelet neural network methodology for ground resistance forecasting.” Electric Power Systems Research, 140, 288-295.
- Alexandridis, A. K. and Zapranis, A. (2013). “Wind Derivatives: Modeling and Pricing.” Computational Economics. 41:299-326.
- Alexandridis, A. K. and Zapranis, A. (2013). “Wavelet Neural Networks: A Practical Guide.” Neural Networks. 42:1-27.
- Zapranis, A. and Alexandridis, A. K. (2011). “Modeling and Forecasting CAT and HDD Indices For Weather Derivative Pricing.” Neural Computing & Applications. 20:787-801.
- Zapranis, A. and Alexandridis, A. K. (2009). Weather Derivatives Pricing: Modeling the Seasonal Residual Variance of an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Temperature Process with Neural Network. Neurocomputing. 73:37-48.
- Zapranis, A. and Alexandridis, A. K. (2008). “Modelling the Temperature Time-dependent Speed of Mean Reversion in the Context of Weather Derivatives Pricing.” Applied Mathematical Finance. 15:355-386.
International Conferences
- Alexandridis, A., Karlis, D. and Papastamos, D. (2019) “Automatic Mass Valuation for Non-Homogeneous Housing Markets”. 39th International Symposium on Forecasters, Thessaloniki, Grece, 16-19 June 2019.
- Alexandridis A. and Panopoulou, E. (2019) “Denoising the Equity Premium” 39th International Symposium on Forecasters, Thessaloniki, Grece, 16-19 June 2019.
- Alexandridis, A. and Ladas, A. (2019) “Multiscale Network Analysis for Financial Contagion”. Financial Engineering and Banking Society, Prague, Czech Republic, 30 May – 1 June 2019.
- Radi, S., Pappas, V. and Alexandridis, A. (2019) “Islamic vs. conventional bond ratings: Determinants and forecastability”. Financial Engineering and Banking Society, Prague, Czech Republic, 30 May – 1 June 2019.
- Alexandridis, A.K., Gzyl, H. ter Horst, E., Molina, G. (2017). “Extracting risk neutral densities for weather derivatives pricing using the maximum entropy method.” In: 11th International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics. Londond, UK, 16th – 18th December, 2017.
- Hassan, M. S., Sultan, J., Alexandridis, A. K., (2017). “An Econometric Investigation of Hedging Performance of Multi-Scale Hedge Ratios.” In: World Finance Conference. Sardinia, Italy, 26th – 28th July 2017.
- Alexandridis, A.K., Karlis, D., Papastamos, D., (2017). “Real Estate valuation and forecasting in non-homogeneous markets: A case study in Greece during the financial crisis.” In: 7th International Conference of the Financial Engineering and Banking Society. Glasgow, Scotland, 1st -3rd June, 2017.
- Cramer, S., Kampouridis, M., Freitas, A. A., and Alexandridis, A. (2017). “Pricing Rainfall Based Futures Using Genetic Programming.” In: EvoBafin, EvoStar. Amsterdam, Holland, 19 – 21 April 2017.
- Alexandridis, A. K., and Hasan, M. (2016). “Global Financial Crisis and Multiscale Systematic Risk: Evidence from Selected European Markets”. In: Financial Econometrics and Empirical Asset Pricing Conference, Lancaster, UK, 30 June – 1st July, 2016
- Cramer, S., Kampouridis, M., Freitas, A. A., and Alexandridis, A. (2015). “Predicting Rainfall in the Context of Rainfall Derivatives Using Genetic Programming.” IEEE Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering & Economics, Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, Cape Town, South Africa, 7 – 10 December, 2015.
- Alexandridis, A., and Hasan, M. S. (2015). “Analysing the Multiscale Systematic Risk During the Global Financial Crisis: Evidence from Selected European Stock Markets.” 14th Hellenic Finance and Accounting Association, Athens, Greece, 18-19 December, 2015.
- Messis, P., Alexandridis, A., and Zapranis, A. (2015). “Cross-sectional conditional risk return analysis in the sorted beta framework: A novel Two Factor Model.” 14th Hellenic Finance and Accounting Association, Athens, Greece, 18-19 December, 2015.
- Messis, P., Alexandridis, A. K., and Zapranis, A. D. (2014). “Testing and Comparing Conditional CAPM with A New Approach in the Cross-Sectional Framework.” International work-conference on Time Series-ITISE 2014, Granada, Spain, 25-27 June, 2014.
- Tsinaslanidis, P., Alexandridis, A., Zapranis, A., and Livanis, E. (2014). “Dynamic Time Warping as a Similarity Measure: Applications in Finance.” 13th Hellenic Finance and Accounting Association Conference, Volos, Greece, 12-13 December, 2014.
- Androvitsaneas, V. P., Gonos, I. F., Alexandridis, A. K., and Dounias, G. (2014). “Wavelet neural networks for ground resistance estimation.” International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application, Poznan, Poland, 8-11 September, 2014.
- Alexandridis, A. K. (2013). Non-linear non-parametric temperature modeling in the context of weather derivatives pricing. in: Actuarial and Financial Mathematics Conference.
- Alexandridis, A. K., and Hasan, M. (2013). “Global Financial Crisis and Multiscale Systematic Risk: Evidence from Selected European Markets.” The impact of Global Financial Crisis: on Banks, Financial Markets and Institutions in Europe, University of Southampton, UK, 25-26 April, 2013.
- Alexandridis, A. K., Zapranis, A., Livanis, E., and Tsinaslanidis, P. (2013). “Business failure prediction using neural networks and wavelet neural networks.” 12th Hellenic Finance and Accounting Association Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, 13-14 December, 2013.
- Alexandridis, A. K., and Kampouridis, M. (2013). “Temperature Forecasting in the Concept of Weather Derivatives: A Comparison between Wavelet Networks and Genetic Programing.” 13th EANN Halkidiki, Greece, 13-16 September, 2013.
- Alexandridis, A. K. and Zapranis, A. (2012). Modeling and Pricing European Temperature in the Context of Weather Derivative Pricing. in: 4th International Conference on Accounting and Finance, Corfu, Greece, 30-31 August, 2012.
- Alexandridis, A. K., and Zapranis, A. D. (2011). “Wind Derivatives: Modeling and Pricing.” Financial Engineering and Banking Society (F.E.B.S.), Chania, Greece, 10-12 June, 2011.
- Zapranis, A. and Alexandridis, A. K. (2009). Model Identification in Wavelet Neural Networks Framework. in: 5th IFIP Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications & Innovations, Thessaloniki, Greece, 23-25 April, 2009.
- Zapranis, A. and Alexandridis, A. K. (2009). Modeling and Forecasting CAT and HDD Indices For Weather Derivative Pricing. in: 11th Engineering Applications of Neural Networks, London, UK, 27-29 August, 2009.
- Zapranis, A. and Alexandridis, A. K. (2008). Analyzing Crude Oil Prices and Returns Using Wavelet Analysis and Wavelet Networks. in: 7th Hellenic Finance and Accounting Association, Chania, Greece, 12-14 December, 2008.
- Zapranis, A. and Alexandridis, A. K. (2008). Forecasting Cash Money Withdrawals Using Wavelet Analysis and Wavelet Neural Networks. in: 5th Applied Financial Economics, Samos, Greece, 3-5 July, 2008.
- Alexandridis, A. K. and Livanis, E. (2008). Forecasting Crude Oil Prices Using Wavelet Neural Networks. in: 5th ΦΣΔΕΤ, Athens, Greece, 8 May, 2008.
- Zapranis, A. and Alexandridis, A. K. (2007). Weather Derivatives Pricing: Modeling the Seasonal Residual Variance of an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Temperature Process with Neural Network. in: 10th Engineering Applications of Neural Networks, Thessaloniki, Greece, 29-31 August, 2007.
- Zapranis, A. and Alexandridis, A. (2007). Wavelet Neural Networks For Weather Derivatives Pricing. in: 6th Hellenic Finance and Accounting Association, Patra, Greece, 14-15 December, 2007.
- Zapranis, A. and Alexandridis, A. K. (2007). Modeling Temperature Time-Dependent Mean Reversion with Neural Networks in the Context of Weather Derivatives Pricing. in: HERCMA, Athens, Greece, September, 2007.
- Zapranis, A. and Alexandridis, A. K. (2006). Weather Analysis & Weather Derivative Pricing. in: 5th Hellenic Finance and Accounting Association, Thessaloniki, Greece, 15-16 December, 2006.