As you go about your time at university, it’s always a good idea to periodically sort through the items you’ve collected. Whether you’re moving out, making space, or just tidying up, it’s a great opportunity to assess what you no longer need!
We’re keen to be as eco-friendly as possible, which is why we’ve made it super easy for you to donate or recycle items. The less we send to general waste, the better! That’s why the Waste and Recycling Team has put together some handy info below on the best ways to recycle or dispose of common items. If you’re unsure, check out our website or drop us an email at for advice.
Did you know that just one misplaced item in a recycling bin can make the whole bin unrecyclable? So please take a second to check before you toss.
Bin Basics:
- Black bags → General waste only
- Clear recycling sacks → For all your recyclables
- Small green caddy bags → Food waste only
Need more sacks? You can grab spares at college receptions.
What to do with your unwanted items
Duvets and pillows:
The best way to deal with your duvets and pillows is to take them home for cleaning and reuse. If that’s not possible, consider donating them to Stuff (details below) or a local charity like Catching Lives (a homeless charity in Canterbury) or another nearby charity.
Unfortunately, we don’t have a recycling option for these items. If you’re unable to reuse them or donate them, please place them in the general waste bins at your nearest bin compound.
Electrical items:
Do you have a small electrical item to dispose of? Avoid putting electrical items in the general waste bins. Instead, drop them to your nearest college reception (check the map for locations) where they will be recycled properly. If your item is still in good working order, you can drop it in one of the British Heart Foundation containers on campus for resale instead.
Clothes, shoes, linen, DVDs, and books:
You can donate these items to the British Heart Foundation by placing them in one of the seven donation containers on campus (locations on the map). Free donation bags are available at college receptions and Estate Customer Services Reception. These containers will be emptied regularly during the departure periods.
New/unused food, cooking utensils, or personal hygiene products:
These can all be donated to the Student Pantry or Stuff, where they’ll be available for other students in need. Just make sure the food is non-perishable and in-date, and that personal hygiene items are new/unopened – think toothpaste, shower gel, shampoo, sanitary products, etc.
For more details on donation drop-off times and locations, check out the Kent Union Stuff page.