Web Development Team update – work from 17 September – 11 October 2011
This is a monthly update on the projects that we have been working on over the last month:
- Programmes factory – some fixes to PG Programmes factory, meeting with customer to scope UG work required. Scheduled for November
- Reading lists – Talis migration work investigations with with Trudy Turner.
- Pantheon – Pantheon rollouts continue on a weekly cadence. Work done to scope out a set of tasks to enable deployment on the new web farm infrastructure (mega menu, quick links, my links administration, snippet modifications, packaging script work)
- Employability points management system – Meeting held with customer, some bug fixes to be scheduled and deployed.
- Mobile project – Soft launch date set for 18 October following agreement with SIT, Operations and Helpdesk.Feedback fixes planned to be implemented before launch date and pllanning for phase II has begun.
- Maps project – Sprint 0 completed and demonstrated to customer, currently working through sprint 1 following planning meeting with Miles.
- XCRI Project – Met with EMS and distributed XCRI self-evaluation toolkit questionnaire.Writing project plan as required by JISC, also to be submitted to ITMG.
- JISC Transformations Programme – Bid submitted on 15 September for £15k to link course finder and modules catalogue (aligned to operational plan). We will know by week of 31st October whether we have been successful.
- Maintenance work – uPortal and WordPress updates, FootPrints tickets, SharePoint Review, documentation started to feed into decisions for SharePoint Review Project
- IS Intranet – Worked with Angela Kennett to move sites as per the plan
- Start of term cover -Provided 8-8 cover Mon-Fri and 10-4 Sat and Sun for weeks 0 and 1, reviewed with Nick M and Martin B for week 2 back to 8-5.