Generating SSL certificates with SANs with JANET

Some notes on generating Certificate Signing Requests (CSRs) with Subject Alternate Names (SANs) using JANET’s certificate service (

CSR generation

Create csr.dat as:

[ req ]
 default_bits = 2048
 prompt = no
 encrypt_key = no
 default_md = sha1
 distinguished_name = dn

[ dn ]
C = GB
O = The University of Kent
0.CN =
1.CN =
2.CN =

Then run:

openssl req -new -nodes -batch \
  -keyout \
  -out \
  -config csr.dat

… and submit the resulting file (cat *.csr) to JANET

Convert the key to the right format for IIS

IIS only seems to understand PKCS#12 certificates so we need to convert the key and certifictate which are both PEM format.

When the certificate comes back, cat the key and certificate into one file:

cat >iisserver.pem

Finally export the newly created file in PKCS#12 format

openssl pkcs12 -export \
 -out mycert.pfx -in iisserver.pem \
 -CAfile ../UKERNA/comodo_chain.pem \
 -name "My Certificate"
  1. comodo_chain.pem is a file containing the certificate chain up the tree (order: TERENA, UTN-USERFirst-Hardware, AddTrust External CA Root)
  2. The passphrase it asks for is just for armouring the  PFX file and is required when importing into the Windows certificate store

Importing into IIS

To install as new: go into the IIS server console, website, properties, document security, Server Cert and install from .pfx

To update: import into the personal store then go into the Website Properties, Document Security, Server Certificate (or Edit?) and replace cert.

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