To save you the hassle when searching for the answer you seek, please be aware that, for reasons unknown, FIM’s (or MIM’s) SQL Server connector is unable to write to a Multivalue Table when the base “table” is actually a read-only View.
We had a pre-existing SQL VIEW from which I was merrily pulling data. There was a new requirement to send some multi-valued data back to the SQL Server so we created a multi-value table to sit next to the existing VIEW. We thought we were so clever…
Whenever an Export tried to insert a row into the Multivalue table it received the following error (cd-error):
Error information
Connected data source error code: 0x80230808
Connected data source error: [Modify] Could not get required interface
This appears to be some sort of bug in the SQL Server connector agent and the general advise appears to be to either convert the base view into a table or, if that’s not possible, configure up two separate MAs (one for pulling and one for pushing).
With thanks to Daniel at Identity Experts for the pointers.