Category: Postings

Living Wage Week

This week is Living Wage Week and here are a few resources that members may find of interest: The new UNISON Living Wage Branch Guide can be viewed here: The new UNISON Living Wage campaign page is here: Newly published research shows that raising the National Minimum Wage to the Living Wage could …

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31st October

Dear colleagues Just to finally check in with you that our picket will be starting from 8am on 31st October and we shall be along Giles Lane. I am sure you will be able to find us and look forward to seeing some of you. There is going to be an open meeting at some …

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Informing students

There’s an interesting and quite striking poster aimed at students that explains the background to the current pay dispute and this is well worth a look if you have a couple of minutes: There’s loads more stuff, most of it pretty good, and including strike posters and leaflets at: It could be added …

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Shift workers and industrial action

We’ve been asked to clarify for members who work shifts what the position is with taking strike action on 31st October if your normal work pattern would fall partly or wholly on that day. The day of action is from 00:00 on 31st October to 24:00 that day (midnight to midnight in other words). To …

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Taking industrial action – deduction from pay

This post offers clarification on a point raised by some of our members who will be on annual leave on 31st October, the planned day of industrial action on campus and further afield. In quite a few cases (my own included) people will have booked some or all of that last week in October as …

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HE Pay Matters update 22 October

Click on the image to read the bulletin in full.

Industrial Action – FAQs

Updated 24 January 2014. Except where indicated (in italics) the following questions and answers are taken verbatim from “Activist Bulletin 5 – 2013 HE Pay campaign”. Should I take strike action? All eligible UNISON members are expected to participate in lawful industrial action called following a ballot of members. If you were balloted over the …

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Strike called for 31 October

Click on the image to read the bulletin in full. Media coverage so far has been a bit patchy but includes:

£200 of fuel vouchers could be won

UNISON members can win £200 of petrol vouchers (from Tesco, Sainsbury or Morrisons) in a competition being run by UNISONProtect. By entering this prize draw you agree to receive a quote for a UNISONProtect family protection product – and you will be rung by a representative. Win £200 fuel vouchers.

Pay dispute – ballot result

UNISON members in HE have voted in favour of strike action: