The Branch Annual General Meeting (AGM) takes place on Tuesday 14 January 2014. The venue is Rutherford Lecture Theatre 1 and the time is 10:30-11:30. Refreshments from 10:15.
All UNISON members can attend and have this counted as working time – but clear it with your line manager first. If you are on leave please consider coming along anyway – we need a good turnout.
Lighthouse Financial Advice will be in attendance with leaflets, publicity etc and plan to hold a surgery (at the UNISON office) later in January. You will be able to make an appointment with them (30 minutes free advice) on the 14th should you wish to. We also expect that one or more of our regional officers, and a number of our retired members, will be attending.
If you cannot attend the AGM please send in apologies by email to, ring 3203 and leave a voicemail message, or send a message using the campus internal mail to our office – the address details are in the right-hand column of this web page.
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