See what you think….
If it wasn’t for UNISON and the other HE unions (see reports below) employers would have probably tried offering no increase at all…. While not implying for a second that 1% is enough consider this:
UKC Grade 2 posts start at £14520 p.a. so a 1% increase is £145.20 per year which is £12.10 per month (before tax). UNISON subs at that pay rate are £9.70 per month.
At Grade 6 the equivalent figures are £21.25 per month with UNISON sub for workers at that rate of pay amounting to £17.25 per month.
If you join us and fight for more how can you be any worse off? Please send a link to this page to a non-member today!
(Acknowledgements to Max Watson, NEC member for HE, from whose blog I adapted the image above. The address for Max’s blog is
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