Popstar Olly Murs receives treatment from SSES Students
Our Sports Ready Clinic had some VIP visits from pop superstar Olly Murs. Olly is recovering from Anterior Cruciate Ligament surgery and came in to use our Alter-G treadmill. He posted a video of his visit on his Facebook account. Some of our Therapy students and Clinic Supervisor Harry Rogers have been doing a great job of taking him through the programme.
The Alter-G is an anti-gravity treadmill that was originally developed by NASA. It can reduce the patient down to 20% of their body weight allowing them to exercise without putting weight on their joints. Harry Rogers, Clinic Supervisor, gave us some more information about ACL injuries and rehabilitation “An injury of the ACL is a very common site of injury in a sporting population. The role of the ACL is to control the knee during pivoting movements. We are using the Alter-G with Olly during the late stage of his rehabilitation. During the first session he started jogging intervals at 75% of his bodyweight. This means with reduced bodyweight we can progress running back up to 100% body weight without aggravating the knee.”
The Sports Ready Clinic is free for SSES students to use and is open to members of the public. It is run by two clinic supervisors and third years students studying BSc Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation, giving them great hands on experience.