Sports Science is not just limited to the study of traditional physical activities, exercise and sports. Sports Scientists can have an impact in many areas, including maintaining optimal health and fitness in astronauts. It is well-know that spaceflight is highly stressful and may also cause some disturbance to immune function (and hence illness risks) in astronauts. This field of research is highly important if humans are to successfully travel further/for longer in future space missions (e.g. to Mars). A recent study published in a leading Physiology journal showed how spaceflight can disturn immune defences and increase the risk of certain illnesses occurring in astronauts (which could limit our abilities in longer space missions- e.g. to Mars). Dr Glen Davison, of SSES, was recently invited (as an expert in the area of Exercise Immunology) to discuss this research with the authors in a podcast for leading Physiology journal, the Journal of Applied Physiology- listen to the discussion here: