More on offer from the Student Learning Advisory Service

More on offer from the Student Learning Advisory Service in UELT.  Now available daily in the Templeman Library!

Student learning advisors will be available on a daily basis on level 2 of the Templeman Library from 11:00am till 1:00 pm to help students develop and improve their learning.  No appointment necessary, just drop in to see a learning advisor, to ask a question, to clarify a point or to discuss any of your learning queries.  Advisors look forward to seeing you…

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Whatever the weather…walk the Labyrinth indoors

The first walk of the year took place on Friday 16th November and was a success with many new visitors, including staff and students.

Take a break from study or work by walking our indoor labyrinth. Come for as little as a few minutes to over an hour to relax and unwind

Something you have to experience.

Walks are FREE / Open to ALL.

Future events:

Senate Building, Senate Chamber (From 12pm – 2pm, last walk 13:30pm)

  • Monday 10th December
  • Tuesday 22nd January
  • Wednesday 13th February
  • Wednesday 20th March
  • Wednesday 22nd May
  • Wednesday 26th June

Full Schedule Open Walks schedule 2012 2013 (pdf) 305KB

For further information, please contact:

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Consuming Higher Education: Why Learning Can’t be Bought

In her new book, Dr. Joanna Williams of the Centre for the Study of Higher Education explores the status of students within the university and society, and the funding and purpose of higher education, drawing on empirical data, UK and USA government policy documents, speeches by policy makers and media representations of students. The book moves beyond the debates surrounding fees to consider the impact of the consumption model on universities, learning, knowledge, and student identity. These themes and arguments are drawn together to consider what it means to be a student and to explore alternative conceptions of higher education.

Joanna’s book Consuming Higher Education: Why Learning Can’t be Bought will be published by Continuum on 22nd November 2012,  and has already received some coverage in the Times Higher. Joanna has spoken about some of the key themes in her book to sixth form students at Kent College in Canterbury and at a national conference: the Battle of Ideas. In addition Joanna has been invited to lead a seminar at Manchester University in November and will be speaking at the national conference of the Society for Research into Higher Education in December 2012. A book launch is planned at the Centre for the Study of Higher Education in the Spring term.

To be kept informed of news and events at the Centre for the Study of Higher Education, please email us at

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Developing Effective Part-time Teachers in Higher Education: new approaches to professional development

A new book by Fran Beaton of the University of Kent, and Amanda Gilbert of Victoria University Wellington, addresses the needs of the growing numbers of part-time teaching staff in universities. Part-time teachers have become an increasing part of the workforce in universities throughout the world. They work in a sector undergoing enormous change and debate about the purposes of the university for individuals, societies and economies. As part-time employees, however, they are not necessarily offered the same level of support or recognition as full-time lecturers.  Developing Effective Part-time Teachers in Higher Education: new approaches to professional development, (published by Routledge) considers whole-institution policies, strategies and practices to identify and address the professional development needs of this potentially ‘lost tribe’.

Editors Fran Beaton (Centre for the Study of Higher Education) and Amanda Gilbert (Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand – and formerly a colleague at Kent) review the broader policy and employment context and the challenges of establishing the needs of  part-time teachers, who are not themselves a homogenous group.  The voices of part-time teachers and practical examples punctuate the book, which additionally draws on the expertise of academic staff and academic developers  from the UK and Australasia  and deals both with practical planning for professional development and broader strategic leadership to ensure that part-timers are recognised and integrated.   

Fran and Amanda are presenting their work and launching the book at a CSHE seminar on 6th December 2012, 16.00-1800  (UELT seminar room, Canterbury campus) and will also be speaking at the national conference of the Society for Research into Higher Education  12-14 December, Celtic Manor, Wales.

All welcome at the seminar and book launch – please email if you would like to attend.

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International Students – Coffee Morning & High Tea

Each academic year, the Student Learning Advisory Service offers international students the opportunity of attending specific events targeted and aimed at them.

On Sunday 7th October, International Students enjoyed one of the following two events: a Coffee Morning or a High Tea organised by the Student Learning Advisory Service (SLAS). These are social events with an academic twist and more than 350 international students from over 70 countries took part in them.

International students had the opportunity to meet other international students, discover aspects of the academic and social life in the university, and take part in a quiz designed to extend awareness of various aspects of life at Kent. SLAS awarded prizes to the winning team, and everyone enjoyed a traditional Coffee Morning or an English High Tea with scones, cakes, sandwiches and, of course, tea and coffee. Both events were extremely successful. The students enjoyed both events and the atmosphere was full of positive energy, enjoyment and vitality.

Results of a survey containing student repsonses about the above events can be found on our International Students page.






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Students supporting students


Professor Alex Hughes, Pro-VC External, attended the awards ceremony of the Academic Peer Mentoring (APM) scheme hosted by the Student Learning Advisory Service in UELT on Tuesday 9th October. Colleagues from various schools and past and current mentors attended this event. A showcase of the past year’s scheme highlighted the experiences of staff and students. Students/mentors from 2011-1012 received their certificates handed to them by Prof Alex Hughes.

The APM scheme started in 2007 initially with three schools: Biosciences, Computer Sciences and Physical Sciences. In 2011-2012, the number of participating schools has risen with the addition of KLS, KBS, POL&IR, SECL and SMSAS, with a further number of schools expressing interest in joining the scheme. This year has seen the addition of EDA, Pharmacy and SSPSSR.

The aim of the APM scheme is to improve students’ learning and thus effectively improve their performance and retention. APM focuses on subjects rather than on high-risk students and is an excellent way to promote and encourage student-centered learning with first, second or third year students (student mentors) helping and supporting other students (mentees), in their foundation or first year. This initiative depends on student volunteers and is very much a student-led response to help other students in lower years benefit from their experience on the course. KBS has piloted this scheme with their PhD students mentoring masters’ students

Nevertheless, one size does not fit all and the Student Learning Advisory Service has been working closely with schools to develop and adapt the scheme to suit each school’s particular needs. 

Student mentors benefit greatly from the scheme as they develop further their understanding of the course content as well as enhance their employability skills. Student mentors talked about the positive outcomes of the scheme for them and their mentees. Many gave the feedback that their mentees were extremely grateful to the APM scheme and believe that their improved grades were largely due to the influence and support of the mentors. 

A quote from one mentor, Dan-Habu Saratu, in KLS, said: “My mentee walked up to me in Kent Law School and hugged me with excitement! She said that she got a first class in Public law which she never believed she could. …The mentorship provided her with guidance, resources and reassurance, so much that she is actually looking forward to becoming a mentor and providing this assistance to other first years. 

That made my day! 

Thank you also for giving me this opportunity to positively impact people!!” 

Another mentor, Will Lowrie, in Biosciences said:  “The most important skill I got out of the scheme was the confidence to stand up in front of people and give a talk. Time management was also a major skill I got as it took careful planning for each session”

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Currently 218  fulltime and part-time members of staff are registered for the  Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education and the Associate Teacher Accreditation Programme, drawn  from all University of Kent Faculties and from external Higher Education Institutions.    In the last year 92  have successfully completed these programmes, with a number producing work which has subsequently been published.  A recent graduate of the programme comments:

 “The PGCHE, which I undertook voluntarily after 12 years experience of University lecturing, has revolutionised my understanding of the concept of ‘research led teaching’: I now realise that teaching can be legitimately described as ‘research led’ if its styles and methods are informed by the studies and investigations of educational processes which candidates are encouraged to carry out as part of the PGCHE and similar programmes at Kent.”

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The PGDip/MA in Higher Education News

A successful first year!

The PGDip/MA in Higher Education is successfully entering its second year with an increase in student numbers. We now have eighteen students registered across both years of the programme. All are University of Kent (or affiliated) members of staff and many are using the programme as an opportunity to engage in theoretical work and to reflect upon elements of their professional practice.

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Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs)

All new teachers of the Universityof Kentare eligible to join the formal, credit-bearing Associate Teacher Accreditation Programme (ATAP). Space is limited on that programme. So we are working with academic Schools and theGraduateSchool to develop an additional structured programme of development opportunities for Graduate Teaching Assistants (i.e. postgraduate students who are teaching other students) in their role as teachers. 

An online resource is available via the UoK VLE,

 UN889  Fundamentals of HE Teaching (zero-credit ‘module’) 

  • Search for the module in moodle and you should then be able to enrol yourself in this
  • Find downloadable files with guidance on teaching
  • Share experiences and ideas through discussion forums, within your School peers and with other GTAs

 There should be an academic staff member who is the contact for research student teachers and demonstrators in your School and they may use the resources to run workshops and discussions with you about aspects of teaching in your School context.

For more information, please go to the GTA site.

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University Teaching Prize Awards

Teaching Prizes 2012

The University Teaching Prizes were awarded by the Vice Chancellor at a lunchtime ceremony in Darwin Conference Suite on Thursday 4th October 2012, 12.30-2.00pm. Many colleagues joined us for this celebration of excellent teaching and pedagogic leadership.

For more information about the event, please go to:

The University Teaching Prizes attracted a strong field of applicants again this year. Congratulations to this year’s winners:

Sciences Faculty Prize

  • Dr Bugewa Apampa, School of Pharmacy (£5,000)

Humanities Faculty Prize

  • Dr John Partridge and Susanne Krauss , SECL (£3,000)
  • Dr Andy Kesson, School of English (£1,000)
  • Dr Mattias Frey, Film Studies, School of Arts (£1,000)

Social Sciences Faculty Prize

  • Dr Helen Carr, KLS (£2,000)


  • Dr Lindsay Cameron and Dr Heather Ferguson, School of Psychology (£1,500)
  • Dr Jennifer Fleetwood and a team of 6 colleagues in the Criminology team, SSPSSR (£1,500)

Barbara Morris Prize for Learning Support

  • Dr Ben Thomas, History and Philosophy of Art, School of Arts, and Curator, Studio 3 Gallery (£5,000)
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