CSHE Seminar: Tues 5th March 2013 – Dr. Pamela Yeow and Dr. Alison Dean, Kent Business School

Tues 5th March 2013 12.30-2.00pm
Dr. Pamela Yeow and  Dr. Alison Dean, Kent Business School
Communities of Practice in UK Higher Education: A case study on networks and group effectiveness

UELT seminar room
Canterbury Campus

 Many changes have taken place within the UK Higher Education sector recently, including decreases in government public funding, increased targets for widening participation, pressures for enhancing contributions to the ‘knowledge society’, introduction and increases in student tuition fees and research funding cuts suggesting that universities are under increasing financial pressure and limited resources to achieve a multitude of activities. We argue that university departments need to work collaboratively to meet these expanding and intensifying demands. This paper applies the ‘communities of practice’ approach to explore how informal and formal networks within the knowledge-intensive setting of the UK HE environment are organised. Such networks need to take on the ‘communities of practice’ approach in order to increase organisational performance. We explore how academic departments in a university can use their internal networks to address the challenges at work. One key challenge is bridging the perceived gap between teaching and research activities which are associated with different performance measures. The personal and positional power of leaders within academic groups can have an influence on the effectiveness of how these academic communities function and perform.

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VALUE Programme 2012-13

If you are a first year student in a participating School, then this is for you.  VALUE is a fantastic – and free – way to help you prepare for your Stage I exams, and we are now open for applications.  So, if you are in Anthropology, Computing, Economics, KBS, KLS, SECL, SMSAS, SSPSSR or Sports Science and you want to sign up, or find out more, click here.

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Seminar and book launch 7th Feb: Consuming Higher Education: Why Learning Can’t be Bought (Continuum, 2012)

Thurs 7th Feb 2013 4.30-6.00pm, UELT Seminar Room
Dr. Joanna Williams, CSHE
Seminar and book launch: Consuming Higher Education: Why Learning Can’t be Bought (Continuum, 2012)

In her new book, Dr. Joanna Williams explores the status of students within the university and society, and the funding and purpose of higher education, drawing on empirical data, UK and USA government policy documents, speeches by policy makers and media representations of students. The book moves beyond the debates surrounding fees to consider the impact of the consumption model on universities, learning, knowledge, and student identity. These themes and arguments are drawn together to consider what it means to be a student and to explore alternative conceptions of higher education. Joanna will present key themes from the book at this seminar, which will be followed by an informal reception.

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Medway Creative Campus Photo Competition

Last chance to enter:

Please click on the link for details of the   Medway CREATIVE CAMPUS Photo Competition – open to all Medway staff and students.

Closing date 31 January 2013.

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Learning Teaching Network (LTN) – Plagiarism Forum Day

The Plagiarism Forum Day, hosted by the Learning and Teaching Network, was held on 16 January 2013. Jude Carroll, our guest speaker, ran three lively workshop sessions on the topic of plagiarism, assessment design and institutional policies and practice. Forty nine staff attended throughout the day and many issues around defining plagiarism and using the University’s policies on managing plagiarism cases were discussed. Among the topics raised for discussion were new ways of establishing plagiarism penalties via a tariff system; a plagiarism online forum for staff and also establishing School based ‘champions’ for managing cases of suspected plagiarism. Further discussions will be held in the coming term in the appropriate networks. For further information, email teaching@kent.ac.uk.

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CSHE Seminar: Monday 28th January 2013 – Michael Young, Emeritus Professor of Education, Institute of Education

Monday 28th January 2013, 4.30-6.00pm
Michael Young, Emeritus Professor of Education, Institute of Education, University of London
The challenge to the disciplines and the past and future of the University

UELT seminar room
Canterbury Campus

The Centre for the Study of Higher Education invites you to our first seminar of the new year, a joint event with the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain South-East Branch.
All are welcome to join us.  Refreshments will be available, so please let us know if you are coming by emailing

Find us at J7 on the campus map: http://www.kent.ac.uk/maps/canterbury/maps.html?tab=campus-map

Discipline-based knowledge has long been integral to the research and teaching of universities, in the more established professional/vocational fields no less than in the sciences , humanities and arts. This assumption is increasingly questioned by governments in the UK and elsewhere which emphasise the human resource and innovation purpose of universities. This shift is paralleled by the efforts of governments to shift the financial costs of university education from grants to fees paid by students. In this paper I will draw on Durkheim’s sociology of knowledge to argue that the weakening of the disciplinary basis of teaching and research not only undermines the role of universities as institutions of ‘public’ higher education, but will progressively reduce their capacity to act both as sources of social and economic innovation and to be the primary location for a society’s conversation about its future.

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Medway CREATIVE CAMPUS Photo Competition

Please click on the link for details of the   Medway CREATIVE CAMPUS Photo Competition

Closing date 31 January 2013.

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Take advantage of this term’s study skills workshops

“A lot of interesting information and useful tips”

“An Opportunity to discuss techniques with the tutor and other students”

The Student Learning Advisory Service offers study skills workshops each term on such topics as preparing essays, essay and dissertation writing, referencing and presentation skills. Places are still available! Read more…

The student skills & learning development programme is a practical programme of workshops for all University of Kent students. These workshops provide students with learning development support in a friendly, open and approachable forum. Students from all stages of university study, undergraduate and postgraduate, have benefited from our programme of workshops.

SLAS advisors are always happy to see and support students; so, if you are a student reading this, come along and take advantage of the workshop sessions for this term.


Please go to http://www.kent.ac.uk/student/skills/index.html 


Login onto your SDS account, click on workshops and then on Study Skills.

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National Teaching Fellowship Scheme – deadline 14th January

National Teaching Fellowship Scheme – deadline 14th January

Each year, the University of Kent nominates up to three members of staff for the annual National Teaching Fellowship Scheme Individual Awards (NTFS). The NTFS awards 55 prizes of £10,000, each in recognition of individual excellence in teaching and supporting learning. Five members of staff have been successful in previous NTFS.

The University now invites applications from members of staff who would like to be considered for nomination in 2012/13.

The call for NTFS nominations is now open, and details of the criteria are available on the NTFS web pages: http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/ntfs

The final date for University nominations is 4 March 2013.

Application process for NTFS:

1. Please look carefully at the detailed call for nominations and the selection criteria, available on the NTFS website.

2. If you feel you meet the NTFS criteria, you should prepare an outline application (maximum four pages) which will be considered for nomination by the University.  This should demonstrate clearly how you meet each NTFS criterion, and what evidence you can provide in each case. You should also obtain a signed statement of support (maximum one page) from your Head of School or another appropriate senior colleague who is familiar with your work in teaching. Outline applications and statements of support must be submitted to Dr. Janice Malcolm (j.malcolm@kent.ac.uk) by Monday 14 January 2013.
3. The University nomination committee, led by the Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor, David Nightingale, will meet in the first week of term and select up to three nominees.

4. Successful nominees will be asked to write a 5,000 word formal claim for Fellowship, and contribute to the preparation of a ‘Statement of Institutional Support’. Support will be provided to nominees preparing their claims.

5. The University must submit its final nominations by 4 March 2013, and this deadline cannot be extended.  Before deciding on whether to apply for NTFS, please consider this timetable carefully and ensure that you will have enough time available to produce a good submission.

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Gold Medal Award for the best Creative Cultural projects at the Podium Awards ceremony (2012)

The Creative Campus Initiative won the Gold Medal Award for the best Creative Cultural projects at the Podium Awards ceremony (2012), to recognise the contribution of higher and further education institutions to the ideal of the Olympic and Paralympic Games and was shortlisted for the Coubertin’s Olympic Vision Award.

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