University Teaching Prize Winners 2014

Teaching excellence across the University was celebrated the Kent Teaching Prize Awards on 1st October. These annual awards highlight the commitment of Kent academics and professional staff to teaching and to ensuring students get the best possible learning experience at the University.

15 Kent academics were recognised this year and received their awards from the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Dame Julia Goodfellow. Dr. Peter Klappa, a previous prizewinner and now a National Teaching Fellow, received a special 50th Anniversary prize for his sustained contribution to teaching, presented by the new PVC Professor Chris Davies.

For more information contact Dr Janice Malcolm at

Prize winner pictures can be found by clicking on this link



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Creative Language Development

Calling all taught masters students!

Would you like to improve and practice your English speaking skills in an enjoyable and non-threatening environment?   Continue reading

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VALUE Programme 2013-14

Recruitment for the VALUE Programme is now closed.  Students who have already applied but not yet attended an interview, please check your email for details.  You will need to attend an interview by Friday, 28 March 2014.

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New Year Celebration

‘I really enjoyed the food, music and entertainment provided during the dinner.  I hope that you will continue doing it in the future.’ (Canterbury Student)

‘Well done on the fantastic party you and your team put together.  Hope to see you again soon.’ (Medway Student)

Organised by the Student Learning Advisory Service in partnershp with International Development, international students at the Canterbury and Medway campuses enjoyed an evening (Canterbury 9 January, Medway 15 January) of food, dance and music in celebration of New Year.

The social events with an academic twist, provided internatinal students from over 60 countries with an opportunity to break the monotony of the Winter holidays by meeting up with fellow ‘stay-on-campus students’, and, at the same time, to reflect on the successes and challenges of studying in the UK.  At Canterbury, students enjoyed a traditional Xmas dinner in the brightly and festively decorated Rutherford Dining Hall, followed by a ceilidh with dancing.  At Medway, student band Aztec provided an equally lively background to proceedings in the wonderfully transformed No1.  Both evenings offered students the opportunity of taking part in a quiz on plagiarism and academic integrity with the winning teams of students receiving Amazon vouchers, as prizes.

Watch out for other events in the future!

med.1 med.2


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VALUE Programme 2013-14

If you are a first year student in a participating School, and are worried about the forthcoming exams, then this is for you.  VALUE is a fantastic – and free – way to help you prepare for your Stage I exams, and we are now open for applications.  So, if you are in School of Computing, Economics, KBS, KLS, SECL, SMSAS or SSPSSR and you want to sign up, or find out more, click here .

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VALUE Programme latest information

Following another successful Value Programme in 2012-13, recruitment for the 2013-14 Programme will commence in week 14.

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International Students

Each academic year, the Student Learning Advisory Service offers international students the opportunity of attending specific events targeted and aimed at them.

Canterbury – On Sunday 13th October, International Students enjoyed one of the following two events on the Canterbury campus: a Coffee Morning or a High Tea organised by the Student Learning Advisory Service (SLAS).  These are social events with an academic twist and almost 300 international students from over 62 countries took part in them.

Medway – On Tuesday 15th October, approximately 30 international students, from China, France, Greece, India, Indonesia, Italy, Kenya, Japan, Jamaica, Malaysia, Norway, Poland, Spain and Taiwan attended a lunch organised by the Student Learning Advisory Service (SLAS) and International Development (ID), on the Medway Campus.

International students had the opportunity to meet other international students, discover aspects of the academic and social life in the university, and take part in a quiz designed to extend awareness of various aspects of life at Kent.  SLAS awarded prizes to the winning team, and everyone enjoyed the food provided.  All events were extremely successful; the students appreciated them and the atmosphere was full of positive energy, enjoyment and vitality.

A quote from one international student: “Despite the awful weather the event was lovely, joyful and the food was tasty.  On top of that, I’ve made some new acquaintances and learned some new things thanks to the quiz 🙂 Many thanks!”


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Teaching excellence recognised in University awards

Teaching excellence has been recognised in the 2013 University of Kent Teaching Prize Awards.

The annual awards showcase how Kent’s academics develop new and better methods of delivering their courses to ensure students get the best possible learning experience at the University.

Thirteen Kent academics were recognised for their teaching excellence at a ceremony at the University’s Canterbury campus on 3 October.

Presenting the awards, Professor Dame Julia Goodfellow, University Vice-Chancellor, said: ‘Teaching excellence is vitally important for all students. These annual awards recognise this. I congratulate all those who have received awards this year. The projects are first rate.’

For full details on all the 2013 University of Kent Teaching Prize Award winners see:

Pictured, from left to right:
Ann Howe; Dr. Paul Fretwell; Mary McNulty; Dermot O-Brien; Jacqui Double; Sue Sherwood; Sian Stevenson; Dr. Rowena Paget; Janie Clement-Walker; Dr. Peter Klappa; Professor Laurence Goldstein; Dr. Mario Weick; Heidi Colthup; The Vice Chancellor, Professor Dame Julia Goodfellow.

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Free entitlement to Fellowship/Associate Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy

Anyone who completed the PGCHE from 2006 onwards is automatically entitled to Fellowship of the HEA, conferring national recognition.   If you completed the ATAP from 2006 onwards, you are entitled to Associate Fellowship.

You need only complete and return a short form, available here

Please contact  if you have any queries.

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University Teaching Prizes 2013

The winners of this year’s University Teaching Prizes have now been announced:

Humanities Faculty Teaching Prize
Two prizes of £2,500 each have been awarded to Professor Laurence Goldstein (Philosophy) and Heidi Colthup (English Language and Linguistics). Both winners are based in the School of European Cultures and Languages (SECL).

Sciences Faculty Prize
Joint winners are Dr. Rowena Paget (School of Mathematics, Staistics and Actuarial Science) and Dr. Peter Klappa (School of Biosciences), each awarded £2,500.

Social Sciences Faculty Prize
The prize this year has been awarded to Janie Clement-Walker, sessional lecturer in Kent Law School (£3,500) and Dr. Mario Weick of the School of Psychology (£1,500).

Barbara Morris Prize for Learning Support
The prize this year has been shared equally between two teams from the School of Arts. The joint winners are Sian Stevenson, Jacqui Double, Dermot O’Brien, Sue Sherwood and Mary McNulty (£2,500); and from Music and Audio Arts on the Medway campus, Dr. Paul Fretwell  and Ann Howe (£2,500).

Awards ceremony
The prizes will be presented by the Vice-Chancellor at a lunchtime ceremony on Thursday 3rd October, 12.30-2.00pm, in the Darwin Conference Suite. Everyone is welcome. If you wish to attend, please email (and let us know of any dietary requirements).

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