Take advantage of this term’s study skills workshops

A lot of interesting information and useful tips” 

“An Opportunity to discuss techniques with the tutor and other students” 

The Student Learning Advisory Service  offers study skills workshops each term on such topics as preparing essays, essay and dissertation writing, referencing and presentation skills. Places are still available!  Read more…

The student skills & learning development programme  is a practical programme of workshops for all University of Kent students. These workshops provide students with learning development support in a friendly, open and approachable forum. Students from all stages of university study, undergraduate and postgraduate, have benefited from our programme of workshops.

SLAS advisors are always happy to see and support students; so, if you are a student reading this, come along and take advantage of the workshop sessions for this term.

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A second event

Praesent imperdiet pellentesque ligula vitae consequat. Fusce est velit, lobortis sit amet tincidunt non, ornare at neque. Fusce felis est, dapibus eu rhoncus vitae, mollis non arcu. Phasellus sed diam diam. Cras eget sapien nec ante tincidunt consequat eget porta nisl. Aenean ultrices ultricies ultrices. Nunc et bibendum ante. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vivamus eu lectus eget elit elementum aliquet vitae at massa. Proin eu augue est, vel bibendum dui.

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This is the first event

Nulla sollicitudin rhoncus dolor nec tristique. Maecenas at orci vel justo tincidunt rhoncus. Nulla condimentum ante id dolor tincidunt vitae mattis mauris volutpat. Etiam id sapien elit, eget commodo est. Proin et nulla libero. Proin nisl massa, ornare quis aliquam a, pellentesque et nibh. Suspendisse egestas metus eu arcu lobortis laoreet.

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