All new teachers of the Universityof Kentare eligible to join the formal, credit-bearing Associate Teacher Accreditation Programme (ATAP). Space is limited on that programme. So we are working with academic Schools and theGraduateSchool to develop an additional structured programme of development opportunities for Graduate Teaching Assistants (i.e. postgraduate students who are teaching other students) in their role as teachers.
An online resource is available via the UoK VLE,
UN889 Fundamentals of HE Teaching (zero-credit ‘module’)
- Search for the module in moodle and you should then be able to enrol yourself in this
- Find downloadable files with guidance on teaching
- Share experiences and ideas through discussion forums, within your School peers and with other GTAs
There should be an academic staff member who is the contact for research student teachers and demonstrators in your School and they may use the resources to run workshops and discussions with you about aspects of teaching in your School context.
For more information, please go to the GTA site.