These teaching-related events are intended for academic and teaching staff with at least three years Higher Education teaching experience. The theme for 2017/18 is: Creative approaches to learning, teaching and assessment.
This interactive forum offers opportunities to hear about initiatives which have had an impact on student learning, to share experiences with colleagues from across the university, to explore tensions and opportunities of different approaches and how these could apply to your own teaching.
While TEF and student surveys such as NSS, PTES and PRES have increasingly foregrounded teaching as a metric, the emphasis in these sessions is on teaching as exciting, challenging, surprising….. an activity in which we can take pride.
The first session, ‘Using creative and imaginative forms of assessment’ will be presented by Professor Charlotte Sleigh, School of History on Tuesday 10 October, 12.55-14.00.
Further details of sessions are available here. All sessions are free and take place in the UELT Seminar Room near Santander Bank (unless otherwise stated). Please email [4] to book a place.
If you are interested in contributing to a session in Spring 2018 please contact [5].