Following the successful launch of our first courses on FutureLearn funding has now been made available to help develop up to three MOOCs – Massive Open Online Courses – over the next year. We are holding a special elearning forum at UELT on Thursday 18th May, 12.00-1.30pm, UELT Seminar Room to share our experience and reflections on our first courses, and invite proposals for courses to be developed.
At this event we will provide an overview of the project and our work so far with FutureLearn, explain the process for proposing a MOOC, and clarify the commitment expected from any successful proposer. UELT will provide advice and support as required to those wishing to write proposals, which are to be submitted in June. The available funding will cover the costs of media production and teaching assistants, while academic time and expertise will be provided by Schools/Centres and project management by UELT. There is also some limited funding to help Schools/Centres in enabling academic staff to contribute.
If you would like to find out more about this exciting opportunity, or just want to learn more about our MOOCs project, please book your place on the elearning forum by emailing or contact Dr Mark O’Connor (Distance Learning Technologist),m.a.o’