On 29 March, students from 15 schools involved in the Academic Peer Mentoring (APM) scheme attended an awards ceremony hosted by the Student Learning Advisory Service (SLAS). Mentors and colleagues from participating Schools joined in the celebration of students’ engagement and achievements.
The awards were presented to the mentors by Dr Bob Newport, Emeritus Professor of Materials Physics, who was one of the pioneers and a great advocate of the APM scheme in SPS. Mentors from Architecture, KBS and SSPSSR Medway made presentations and showcased the impact this additional support has had on student achievement. The APM scheme has become an important intervention in the University’s Student Success project.
The APM experience shows that mentors benefit greatly from the scheme as they deepen their understanding of the course content as well as enhance their employability skills. 91% of previous Kent peer mentors, who are in touch with the alumni office, are now in graduate jobs, compared to 80.4% for Kent graduates in general.
“The University’s peer mentoring scheme is a fantastic way for students to develop valuable employability skills such as communication, planning and leadership” (Amy Wiggins Medway Careers Adviser)
95% of mentors would recommend the APM scheme to others.
“It is really a rewarding opportunity”
”Among the most full academic experiences”
“One of my students wanted to drop out but she didn’t and said it was down to the academic peer sessions. She wouldn’t have a degree if we’d let her drop out”
“A great experience for mentors and mentees”
If you would like to be involved in the APM scheme, please check your School’s website and/or contact your School as Schools will be shortly recruiting Mentors.
To find out more about mentoring at Kent please visit https://www.kent.ac.uk/learning/school-support/apm.htmlor email slasapm@kent.ac.uk