Research Study: The Early Start Denver Model for Toddlers with ASD

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Jamie Hughes, PhD student at the Tizard, is looking to recruit participants to help with her research project. 

What is the purpose of the study?
Previous research found that parents often say that they would like more information and some help to work with their child with autism spectrum disorder while they are undergoing the diagnostic process and/or after receiving the diagnosis. However, in the UK available help for families can be limited.

Inclusion Criteria: child diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder
OR currently going through the diagnostic process, your child is between the ages of 12-48 months of age, and has no significant medical concerns.

The research will take place in South East England – Kent.

The ESDM is a comprehensive programme for children with autism. What that means, is that it covers all the developmental skills of early childhood. These include: language, play skills, social interaction, imitation, motor skills, self-care, and behaviour.

For further information please contact Jamie: or call her on 01227 824770.

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