Cyprus, MBA 2019
“I could either watch it happen or be part of it.” – Elon Musk
I was attracted to the Kent MBA not only due to it’s ranking and academic reputation, but also the MBA structure itself looked promising.
I’m currently a Board Member at the Central Bank of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. My duties include maintaining the financial stability, determining the interest policy, monetary policy and also regulating, auditing and supervising the banks that are registered within the finance sector of our country (TRNC). Technologies like AI or Blockchain-based business ideas are my professional interests. To travel and explore is like understanding life better to me.
- During the economic crisis in our country (2018 August – 2019 May), after the sharp decline in the value of Turkish Lira, Central Bank was being selected as the most successful institution in the survey titled as “Who Managed the Economic Crisis best?” which was published by the press in 2019.
- In 2018, at the age of 32 I became the youngest board member of the directors of Central Bank of My Country, TRNC.
- In 2014, I became the Chief Internal Auditor amongst my colleagues who mostly have had more experience than I had at the time.
I want Kent MBA to help me while I am challenging my potential limits. Therefore I would like to reach my potential peak point.
Why do you want to make progress? You must decide your reasons before you start.
To find out more and apply for the Kent MBA at Kent Business School, visit The Kent MBA webpage.