Having over 15 years of research development experience, Chris has helped academic colleagues secure millions of pounds in research and innovation funding. Chris spent eight years working in Research and Innovation at the University of Kent with a focus on the sciences before moving to become a Research Development Lead in the NHS. Chris is passionate about helping develop collaborations between academia, industry and public sector organisations to build world class research.
Top achievements
- Secured over £26 million pounds worth of funding while working at the Institute of Education to run a national Mandarin programme in schools funded by DCMS.
- Built multiple collaborations between academic and industry partners securing millions in research funding.
- Worked with a number of Kent academics to take their research through the translational pathway from research to commercialisation.
What attracted you to the MBA programme at Kent Business School and why?
While working at the University of Kent, I spoke to a number of colleagues about wanting to progress in my role and it was suggested I undertake the MBA programme. The ability to work alongside a number of different cultures and people from different industries was a huge draw for me, as well as the fact KBS is one of the top business schools in the world being triple accredited. The mix of subjects and the ability to be able to undertake the course part-time were also attractive to me.
What are your motivations for undertaking an MBA
I had been working with a number of colleagues on trying to take their research to the next level and felt there was a gap in the university when it came to offering support to develop spin-outs. I was motivated to undertake the MBA to be able to help the academics in the sciences to develop business plans to take their research to the next level.
What are your future aspirations?
To use the techniques I learn to continue to help develop spin-out opportunities for colleagues, as well as starting my own business at some point.
What is your best advice for those wanting to progress in business?
Always keep learning and developing. Be open and receptive to feedback/constructive criticism. It is how we grow as business leaders never take it personally but learn from it and reflect on it.
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”