Rita Ephrance Nabulya Namiiro

MBA 2023, Uganda

Ephrance Nabulya Namiiro

Ephrance is a strong-willed yet quiet individual, always taking a risk that seems to work out in the end. In her comfort zone, she would never have applied for a job in a top 4 consulting firm nor a degree at University of Kent. However, she lives a life constantly challenging herself to do what others or she would consider impossible.

‘I believe that life is a gift we get to experience everyday and should make the use of every opportunity given by God to reach for the moon. If you miss, you’ll land among the stars.’

Top achievements

  1. Mediating the tax positions for a client reducing their tax liability of millions of Uganda shillings to a credit position confirmed by the Uganda Revenue Authority.
  2. Built a healthy work environment within our business units using our people and change skills, which has gone on to create a culture people love to work in.
  3. Qualified for a job at PwC Uganda Limited.

What attracted you to the MBA programme at Kent Business School and why?

My sister is an alumnus of University of Kent. I was quite enthusiastic to study here, as well to experience both the university and the beautiful city of Canterbury.

What are your motivations for undertaking an MBA

To grow my career in PwC, especially around people and change management.

What are your future aspirations?

Growth in career at PwC Uganda. Have a significant impact on the People and Change business unit, handling change management for various clients and creating an impactful legacy on our consulting units.

What is your best advice for those wanting to progress in business?

Take the next step. The fear of how long it will take will hold you back, yet either way the time will pass. So do it now.

“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.”

– Albert Einstein