Derrick Yaw Boateng Asante

MBA Student Derrick Asante

MBA 2022, Ghana

A professional accountant and an associate member of the Institute Of Chartered Accountants in Ghana, Derrick is a creative, results driven, change catalyst. He delivers high performance on engagements and possesses good working knowledge in accounting and finance. A staunch Christian, he also has a demonstrated history of working in the real estate and hospitality industry.

He is skilled in strategic management, financial reporting, risk and control, review of policies and procedures, taxation, financial planning, financial and investment analysis, forecasting and budgetary control. Prior to starting the MBA, Derrick graduated with a BSc (Accounting) from UPSA and MSc Finance from the University of Kent.


His paper on corporate governance and financial performance of listed banks in Ghana was selected for the 3rd International Conference on Business Management and Entrepreneurial Development, Accra Ghana.

What attracted you to the MBA programme at Kent Business School and why?

I was here in 2018, I had a flat mate who was an MBA student then. She convinced me to take the MBA programme later in my career. The mixture of intensity and fun attracted me. I wanted a different career path. I wanted to diversify from accounting.


To become a partner in a Big 4 … and maybe set up my accountancy and legal firm.


There is no better time than now.

“There is no script to life, once there is life, there is hope.”