Puneet Singh

MBA Student Puneet Singh

MBA 2022, India

Puneet describes himself as an enthusiastic, energetic, self-motivated, reliable, responsible and hard working person. He is passionate for learning and exploring more about management and business practices.

‘I would say that I am very much of a risk-taker and am never afraid of failure, as I believe failure teaches you things, one can never learn from success. I am a mature team worker, adaptable to all challenging situations, able to work well under pressure and adhere to strict deadlines.’


  1. Starting his own company just after graduation and running it for another 2.5 years, managing a team of 12 people involved under different departments. The sales division did a MoM growth of 45% in terms of vendors onboarding and revenue, making a great product appealing to the customers in a span of 4-5 months.
  2. After the startup, joining another organisation travelling to the Middle East and the APAC regions, specifically Dubai and Shanghai, where he was sent to for further business growth based on the increased revenue and performance shown.
  3. More recently, managing a team of around four people dealing with the FMCG sector in the Middle East region, overachieving the target with over 60% in sales and the company recorded its highest ever revenue till date, all during the Covid-19 period, growth hacking and dealing with clients through LinkedIn and negotiating with them to close million dollar deals for the organisation.

What attracted you to the MBA programme at Kent Business School and why?

Mostly the start-up programme and the culture at the University of Kent, promoting new business ideas and helping out students in terms of how to proceed on building one’s own business. Additionally, the triple accreditations attracted me further to make a decision to finalise my MBA programme at Kent.

My overall experience of the last six years encompasses mostly dealing with and managing businesses across international territories. Having handled global business in the MENA and the APAC regions, developing a plenitude of inter-cultural communication, has helped me to grow as a person and develop a global business mindset. Further, going through the MBA programme, I am looking to elevate my career, launching it onto a new trajectory of skills, ethics, knowledge, and aspects of global business with a peer-to-peer interaction from students across the globe.


Going ahead, in the next five to 10 years, it is my conviction, that the programme would definitely help me excel in my corporate career, where I can render prolific inputs on how the quotidian problems pertaining to business and life can be addressed.


Being an amateur in business after my technical graduation and not having a much hands-on experience, I created a start-up which went on to become a success with exceptional team work, running for another 2.5 years. Eventually we exited and I can confidently say that I am a proud failure! My motto is to never give up and to keep striving till the pinnacle is achieved. Not to mention, the learnings of that failure will definitely allow me to turn into an enormous success.

In addition, I would take special pleasure in conveying that there will be times of growth and there will be times of downfall in business. First, it will be very difficult to initiate the idea, let alone start executing it. Nevertheless, I would say that the mindset, dedication, passion, and the risk-taking ability of an entrepreneur to build something on their own, while solving problems for the community and harbouring the zeal to fight against the odds, with a hunger to achieve all that is desired, is what leads to a successful person and eventually a successful businessperson.

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”
– Mahatma Gandhi