Alfonso Rodriguez

MBA Student Alfonso Rodriguez Jauregui

MBA 2022, Venezuela/UK

“Excelsior” (Ever upward!) My High School motto

I am a strong believer of continuous education. In 2001, I obtained my Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering and worked in the telecommunication industry for 14 years, where I played different roles: wireless engineer, procurement manager and project manager. In 2008 I obtained a Master’s Degree in Engineering Management. During this time, I had to combine my technical skills and develop a new group of knowledge areas.

In 2015 I made the transition into the UK job market, and now I am responsible for the successful delivery of £15million worth of projects and services in the UK rail industry.


  • Created the PMO organisation in Icomera UK and managed to replicate the success story in the global organisation
  • Formed part of a bidding team who successfully was awarded a $300million project
  • Led (still leading) an organisation transformation project which is making the Service Delivery Department a more efficient department

What attracted you to the MBA programme at Kent Business School and why?

A colleague at work. Plus, I am in favour of and an advocate of continuous improvement.


Learn from my cohorts’ experiences in their fields and be able to share mine with them.


Continuous improvement should never stop.