MBA 2022, Venezuela/UK
Alfonso is a strong believer of continuous education. In 2001, he obtained his bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering and worked in the telecommunication industry for 14 years. Here he had various different roles: wireless engineer, procurement manager and project manager. In 2008, he obtained a master’s Degree in Engineering Management. During this time, he had to combine his technical skills and develop a new group of knowledge areas.
In 2015, Alfonso made the transition into the UK job market, and now is responsible for the successful delivery of £15 million worth of projects and services in the UK rail industry.
- Creating the PMO organisation in Icomera UK and managing to replicate the success story in the global organisation
- Forming part of a bidding team who successfully was awarded a $300 million project
- Leading an organisation transformation project which is making the Service Delivery Department a more efficient department
What attracted you to the MBA programme at Kent Business School and why?
A colleague at work. Plus, I am in favour and an advocate of continuous improvement.
To learn from my cohorts’ experiences in their fields and be able to share mine with them.
Continuous improvement should never stop.
“Excelsior” (Ever upward!)
– My High School motto