Sonia Hedegaard

MBA 2020, UK

“If something is wrong, fix it now. But train yourself not to worry, worry fixes nothing” Ernest Hemingway

I work as a part of the senior management team for the Kent Health Visiting Service which delivers the Healthy Child Programme in accordance with national and local strategies and guidance. Alongside the Head of Operational Services and District Managers, I ensure the development of a modernised Health Visiting service in response to the current national and local policy.

My responsibilities include continued development of clinical standards, pathways and models of service delivery in line with the relevant national guidance. In addition I contribute to professional development programmes across all staff.

My career path is to continue in my current field and see what work opportunities arise in the future. My professional interest is exploring digital opportunities at work in order to work more effectively, efficiently and improve client experience.

My hobbies include horse riding, crafting, travelling and learning French.


  • Turning a failing team into a successful happy team where staff wanted to come and work
  • Securing my current role as a Health Visiting Programme Manager
  • Successfully managing a staff member who had a number of action plans against her work performance due to personal issues – she is now a valued member of the team

What attracted you to the Kent MBA programme and why?

I am on an apprenticeship scheme which is affiliated Kent University.

What were your motivations for undertaking an MBA?

I wanted to be academically stretched and improve my critical thinking.


I would like the MBA to enhance my intellect and give me opportunities for other senior roles in the future.


Listen to other peoples views and look for positive role models that will inspire you.