Darren Evans

“There is little success where there is little laughter.” Andrew Carnegie

I am currently a Director for a Mechanical and Electrical Installation company within the construction industry. I have worked my way up form a trainee onsite carrying out works through to a supervisor role, contracts manager and now a director. I enjoy learning and challenging myself within my business.

Outside of work and study I enjoy scuba diving and paddle boarding.


  • Securing the largest order to date for the company and completing the job within budget and on time
  • Being made Director and being given the opportunity to influence the business
  • Leading a great team of managers

What attracted you to the Kent MBA programme and why?

A great recommendation from someone already on the course.

What were your motivations for undertaking an MBA?

To improve my business knowledge and understanding, help my company grow and also for my personal growth as I enjoy learning.


Within the next five years I want to take over as MD within my company.


Work hard and have a good positive attitude towards learning, never think you know it all.