The call for diversifying academic curriculum has been sounding on both sides of the Atlantic and scholars are heeding it. Yet, the reality remains that the majority of faculty members in both the United States and United Kingdom are white and trained in traditional, Western academic canons. For academics who want to diversify the curriculum, determining how to actually do so can be challenging.
Michelle Grue will explain the perspectives, questions, and methods that framed a collaborative research project on which she and her colleagues examined the degree requirements and course offerings in the top-50 Ph.D. granting sociology departments in the US. She will also briefly summarise and discuss the findings. With these frameworks and methods in hand, attendees should be equipped to begin a similar examination of their own program’s course offerings and canon.
When: Thursday 7 March 2019, 16.00-17.00
Where: UELT Seminar Room, Canterbury and M1-16, Medway Building, Medway Campus
(Note: we will be livestreaming the speaker from California into both campus locations)
Title: Diversifying curriculum: key perspectives, questions, and methods to get started
Speaker: Michelle Grue, Girvetz, Graduate School of Education at the University of California, Santa Barbara
All staff are warmly welcome to attend. Please confirm your attendance by completing the online booking form
If you have any queries please email