The Student Success Team wanted to take this opportunity to congratulate our esteemed colleagues as they take up new posts across the University. It has been an absolute pleasure to work with so many of you that genuinely care about Student Success and equality in Higher Education.
This is not farewell!
As the University changes its structures to help deliver its Kent 2025 strategy, we are really happy to see so many of our previous project staff in new roles related to, or responsible for, Student Success. The Divisions are very lucky indeed to have such a talented group of staff join them. The university still has ambitious targets, aligned to its Access and Participation Plan and a need for robust monitoring and evaluation of this work, so we will be working closely with Divisions to provide funding, support with planning, implanting, monitoring, and evaluating this work.
We know sometimes this work is not easy, but it is so worthwhile, and we wanted to thank you for your work so far and assure you we will be here to help going forward.
So, to:
Bob McKay – Student Success Project Manager, KBS -> Education and Student Experience Manager, KBS
Dave Thomas – Student Success Project Manager, SSES -> Student Success and Attainment Manager, Natural Sciences
Francis Samra – Student Success Project Officer, SSES -> Business and Information Officer, Natural Sciences
Jordan Regan – Student Success Project Officer, Computing -> Student Success and Attainment Manager, CEMS
Laura Bailey – Student Success Lecturer, SECL -> Senior Lecturer in English Language and Linguistics, SECL
Natalie Gentry – Student Success Project Officer, Psychology -> Student Experience Officer, CEMS
Philippa Moreton – Student Success Project Officer, SECL -> Student Support Co-ordinator, Arts & Humanities
Rob Cliff – Student Success Project Officer, KLS -> Business and Information Officer, LSSJ
Sheree Palmer – Student Success Project Manager, KLS -> Student Success and Attainment Manager, LSSJ
Tom Bennett – Student Success Lecturer, SMSAS -> Lecturer in Mathematics, CEMS
We are really excited about what the future holds for Student Success, and we are delighted that the university has retained your expertise.
Thank you all. It has been an honour.
On to the next chapter!