The MERB cluster in SSPSSR are running an afternoon workshop on ‘Race, Class and Habitus’ this Friday, 5th April from 2pm – 4:30pm on the Medway Campus.
In this themed workshop (co-hosted by the Migration Ethnicity Race and Belonging Cluster) SSPSSR Medway Research present three distinct speakers, who explore the intersections between race, racialization, class and habitus using inter-disciplinary framings from sociology, social work and criminology. Each speaker will be joined by a discussant from SSPSSR.
Dr Tara Young: A ‘Good Job’ in Difficult Conditions: Detectives’ Reflections, Decisions and Discriminations in the Context of ‘Joint Enterprise’ (Discussant: Professor Alex Stevens)
Dr Barbara Adewumi: “Marginalised ‘Movers’: Black middle class parents and their aspirations for their children” (Discussant: Dr Ellie Jupp)
Dr Sweta Rajan-Rankin: De-ontologising ‘race’: New materialism, assemblage and the racial politics of hair (Discussant: Dr Dawn Lyon)
The workshop is FREE to attend and places can be booked via Eventbrite
Event organiser: Triona Fitton