Student Success (EDI) Project Staff Symposium

The Student Success (EDI) Project recently hosted a nationally recognised one day conference “Closing the Gap: Research and Practice on Black and Minority Ethnic Student Attainment in Higher Education”

Presentations and information about the conference can be found here.


The Student Success (EDI) Project will be holding a Staff Symposium on the 26th October 2016. The event will run from 12pm – 5pm (lunch provided and drinks reception until 6pm.)

The event will update delegates on the work across the pilot schools and the latest institutional and national data. There will be presentations from Heads of Schools, demonstrations of interventions, an outline of the most recent data, feedback from the Closing the Gap Conference and plenty of time for questions and answers. The aim of this event is to share ideas, perspectives and knowledge. It is hoped that the range of attendees from across disciplines and backgrounds will facilitate an interesting and stimulating debate on the issue of student attainment.

This event will be free to all University of Kent members of staff, but numbers will be limited.

For purposes of catering, the Symposium is a ticket only event, so please make sure you book early here.

Venue Grimond Lecture Theatre 2 (GLT2)

Click here to view the agenda.