Following is the schedule of the seminar series:
Date Speaker Title
29/09/2022 Vacant TBA
06/10/2022 Vacant TBA
13/10/2022 Mishra Anu Data, Derivation, and Dissemination: Experiences in estimating global, regional, and country-level trends in child health
Imperial College, United Kingdom
20/10/2022 Vacant TBA
27/10/2022 Vacant TBA
03/11/2022 Zeidman, Peter Inferring Neural Mechanisms with Variational Bayesian Modelling
Wellcome Centre for Human Neuroimaging, UCL, United Kingdom
10/11/2022 Vacant TBA
17/11/2022 Vacant TBA
24/11/2022 Vacant TBA
01/12/2022 Vacant TBA
08/12/2022 Michail Papathomas TBA
University of St-Andrews, United Kingdom
15/12/2022 Mariz Spyropoulou TBA
University of Kent, United Kingdom
19/01/2023 Vacant TBA
26/01/2023 Jordan Hart TBA
United Kingdom
09/02/2023 Caterina De Bacco TBA
Cyber Valley, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Germany
23/02/2023 Serveh Sharifi Far TBA
University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
09/03/2023 Esther Jones TBA
Biomathematics and Statistics Scotland, United Kingdom
16/03/2023 Marion Hoffman TBA
Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse, France
22/03/2023 Theodore Papamarkou TBA
University of Manchester, United Kingdom
30/03/2023 Marc Deisenroth TBA
University College London, United Kingdom