Do you have an interest in learning more about any of the Equality Act’s nine protected characteristics?
They are:
- age
- disability
- gender reassignment
- marriage & civil partnership
- pregnancy & maternity
- race
- religion & belief
- sex
- sexual orientation
Could you become a champion for one of them, willing to share articles, best practice and events related to the topic?
You can share what you learn in many ways, using email, tweets, posts to our staff wellbeing blog or informal discussions. To find out more about becoming an EDI champion email us at
We – the Information Services Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Group (often referred to as IS EDIG) – meet termly to look at how we can work together to provide equal access to IS services.
As an EDI champion, you’ll be helping us develop our collective understanding of the protected characteristics, so that we can better serve our diverse University community.
More about IS EDIG
Take a look at our web page to find out more about what our group have achieved to date, and see our current action plan.