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Letter to all students from UK Minister of State for Universities

[05.01.2021 Please see latest update following the announcement of a third national lockdown which supersedes the 1 January update.]

From Professor Richard Reece | Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education and Student Experience

Following my email yesterday, please read the following letter to all students from Michelle Donelan MP, Minster of State for Universities outlining the UK Government’s decision to further restrict the number of courses that can return to in-person teaching as planned at the beginning of the Spring term.

As I said before, I will continue to keep in touch over the next few weeks as we develop our plans in response to this latest change and update our online information as soon as we can.

Please do sign up for our Web Chat on 6 January 2021 during which we will answer your questions about these latest changes as well as any others about the Spring term.

If you have any concerns or queries, please check our student Coronavirus webpages  or email and we will respond as soon as possible.

My very best wishes to you, your friends and your family.

Yours sincerely


Professor Richard Reece | Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education and Student Experience