Meet the University’s central Athena SWAN team

The University of Kent’s Athena SWAN team has grown to its full strength this month. We warmly welcome Anne-Marie Baker (Project Manager) and Camille Barbagallo (Post-doc Research Associate) to the team, that already consists of Minna Janhonen (Athena SWAN Adviser), Ellen Dowie (Data Analyst) and Sarah Vickerstaff (Athena SWAN Working Group Chair).

The University of Kent put in the Institutional Athena SWAN Bronze Renewal application last November and is expecting to hear the results from the ECU (Equality Challenge Unit) on 30 April. Since last November the team has been implementing the Athena SWAN Action Plan as well as supporting Schools with their departmental submissions.

In case you have any questions or comments, please email and we’ll get back to you!

In the picture: Athena SWAN team (from left); Ellen Dowie, Anne-Marie Baker, Sarah Vickerstaff, Camille Barbagallo and Minna Janhonen.