Brexit networking event

Family Networking Event well received

The University welcomed over 70 people to a Family Networking Event held in the Gulbenkian on Saturday 20 May. The day was organised as part of the ongoing programme of support for staff affected by Brexit and offered those attending an opportunity to gather advice and information and to share experiences.

Kesar & Co Solicitors were on hand throughout the event, leading discussions on topics such as citizenship, political developments, family and extended family members, and permanent residency. Over 40 staff/family members benefited from one-to-one legal advice sessions conducted on the day, while accompanying children were entertained with films, drama and craft activities.

Immediate feedback following the event indicated it had been well received and much appreciated by those that came; one attendee wrote ‘I just wanted to say a huge thank you to all those involved on Saturday. It was extremely useful and the kids had fun too.’

We remain committed to supporting our staff who may be affected by the UK’s decision to leave the EU and we will continue to update and provide information as and when we are able to. In the meantime, anyone with questions or concerns, especially in the post-election period, can email the HR team at: